Modern city business!


So, hello again! This is my second one-page-design document to the game “Modern city business”. And my problem which is represented in a game is cell phone addiction.

This is a story:

This story is about cell phone addiction among people and especially teenagers. Now everybody is trying to solve this problem. And there are plenty of people who just can’t live without their cell phones even a hour. Nowadays statistics is that 50% of teenagers are addicted to their cell phones according to CNN. Multi-functional cell phone has given us convenient; pleasure and technology. However, it doesn’t mean it has no negative effect. Mobile phone addiction, “the newest cigarette” in the world, has perplexed many people’s life quality and the relationship with others. No matter how helpful the cell phone is, we cannot ignore it’s bad impact to human-being. In conclusion, cell phone addiction is more dangerous than you thought, while you enjoy playing with its entertainment software, never treat your phone lightly that it consumes your soul in the end.

Written on June 29, 2016