Preparing to final presentation!


This friday we will already have final presentations.

We have this ones to present (3 of them):

Twine - Interactive fiction and creating a story

Github - Managing code

Arduino - Electronics

Algorithms - Solving problems

Artificial Intelligence - Machines and humans

Processing - Programming language

Animations/Graphics - Motion and images

Game Design - What is a game?

Roles of Development - Types of jobs

Blogging with Jekyll - What is a blog and how to make one

Choose your own topic

It was really difficult to choose cause all of the topics are very interesting. My favorite one is Blogging with Jekyll so it’s the first one I’m going to present. Also I really liked processing as you may see in the previous posts. So secondly I’ll present my Animations/Graphics- motions and images. And the third thing I wanted to present was twine or algorithms or developers or arduino or everything. But I stopped on arduino. Arduino is incredibly interesting, it’s like real creating product.

1)Jekyll Blog

I think it’s pretty clear, I’ll make my blog look nice and present.

2)Animations/Graphics - motion and image

You can see my scetches (projects) here


I actually didn’t have enough time to do all of the 12 curcuits but it’s enough to ubderstand general idea and by learning on open-source websites after some time I’ll be able to make my own project. You can see a part of what we did here

Written on June 28, 2016